In a similar vein, DVD box sets can provide hours of entertainment for the teenage boy. If he has one particular show that he loves, the chances are that you will be able to find complete seasons of it on DVD. Another alternative would be to purchase a movie trilogy.

Our first gadget is the MP4/Mp3 player watch which has recently been introduced to the market. So if you like your music then this is the product you will like. This Mp4 wrist watch has 1GB of memory and features a 1.8 Inch TFT screen, MTV Tech gadget reviews movie player, built-in FM radio, built-in speaker, and many other added features. There are many different types of Mp4/mp3 watches on the market, but have only recently been introduced. They are definitely worth checking out.
Putters: Just like with all important clubs in your bag, the putter is up there as the one of the most important. More shots are lost on the green than anywhere else Unique gadget gift ideas for tech enthusiasts many golfers, so choosing the putter that best suits your needs is very important. To do this takes time and its best to try out a few in your hands to before you make a final selection. You will know for sure which one feels right for you if you do this.
When Dad is grilling he is often cooking for a group of people and each of these people may have different preferences of how they like their meat cooked. A great gift is a meat thermometer. This will tell him when the meat is well done, medium, or rare. This will come in handy and keep him from having Innovative new tech gadgets to watch out for cut the meat to see the color.
For some people, the sky is the limit for the best wrinkle creams. For certain brands even, it is not uncommon to hear of customers being put onto "waiting lists;" I've heard of mad foot races and stampeding customers, all jostling just to lay hands on a coveted anti wrinkle cream. But as for me, I want to know the price paid for my skin product is worth the use. For example, if I were to purchase for $90 a 30-day supply of a wrinkle cream, that would boil down to $3/day. Since wrinkle creams are to be used for long term that would mean spending more than $1000/year, which is no small investment. Would I actually see results, or would I be wasting $1000?
Give him some quality time. Spending time with your father is probably the most important of Father day gifts, especially if you live a long way away. He'll appreciate it more than anything you could possibly buy.